The recently premiered tvN drama “Lovely Runner” has found itself embroiled in controversy over allegations that its storyline bears unsettling similarities to the tragic passing of late SHINee member Jonghyun in 2017.
The Drama’s Premise
“Lovely Runner” follows the story of Ryu Sun Jae, a famous singer-songwriter who dies under mysterious circumstances. The drama centers around his ardent fan, Lim Sol, who mysteriously time-travels back to 2008 in an attempt to prevent Sun Jae’s untimely death.
Comparisons to Jonghyun’s Passing
The show’s premiere episode featured scenes depicting Sun Jae’s death and Lim Sol’s subsequent time-travel, drawing comparisons from viewers to the real-life tragedy involving Jonghyun. Some viewers expressed discomfort with the perceived insensitivity of the storyline, arguing that it brought back painful memories of the SHINee icon’s passing.
The Production’s Response
In response to the backlash, the production team behind “Lovely Runner” has released an official statement addressing the concerns. They acknowledged the similarities but stressed that the drama’s intent was not to reference or depict any specific individual’s experience.
The statement read, “We understand the concerns raised by some viewers, but we want to clarify that the drama’s storyline is a work of fiction and does not aim to portray or exploit any real-life events or individuals.”
Ongoing Debate
Despite the production team’s statement, the controversy surrounding “Lovely Runner” continues to generate heated discussions online. Some viewers argue that the similarities, whether intentional or not, are insensitive and could potentially trigger painful memories for those affected by Jonghyun’s passing.
Others, however, defend the drama’s creative freedom and argue that drawing connections to real-life events is an inevitable part of storytelling.
As the debate rages on, it remains to be seen how the production team will navigate this sensitive issue and address the concerns raised by viewers.
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