Laserssel Tests ‘Dream Material’ Glass Substrate with World’s First Area Laser Technology for Global Customer
레이저쎌(Laserssel), a leading laser solution company, is currently testing post-processing equipment for glass substrates at the request of global semiconductor customers. The company is applying its cutting-edge ‘Area Laser’ technology to this innovative process, marking a significant milestone in the industry.
The ‘Area Laser’ technology, developed by Laserssel, is a groundbreaking optical technique that processes large surface areas simultaneously. This revolutionary approach allows for efficient and precise material processing, offering significant advantages over traditional laser systems.
Glass Substrate: A ‘Dream Material’ for Future Applications
Glass substrates, often referred to as the ‘dream material,’ have garnered substantial interest due to their exceptional properties, such as transparency and durability. By leveraging Laserssel’s Area Laser technology, these substrates can potentially be transformed into transparent semiconductors or light-energy harvesters, unlocking a wide range of applications in various industries.
The successful implementation of this technology could pave the way for advancements in fields like solar energy, optoelectronics, and display technologies. Researchers and engineers are exploring the possibility of creating transparent solar cells or integrating photovoltaic capabilities directly into glass surfaces, revolutionizing the way we generate and utilize renewable energy.
Laserssel’s Commitment to Innovation
Laserssel has established itself as a pioneer in the laser solutions industry, constantly pushing the boundaries of what is possible. The company’s expertise in femtosecond laser technology and its dedication to research and development have enabled it to develop groundbreaking solutions for global customers.
With the successful testing of the glass substrate post-processing equipment and the application of the Area Laser technology, Laserssel is poised to play a pivotal role in the advancement of material science and the creation of innovative products.
As the demand for renewable energy sources and sustainable materials continues to grow, the potential applications of Laserssel’s technology could have far-reaching implications, contributing to a more sustainable and technologically advanced future.
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레이저쎌, 글로벌 고객사 요구 ‘꿈의 소재’ 유리기판
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[파워인터뷰 화제人] 최재준 레이저쎌 대표 “세계 최초 면-레이저
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