Han Dong-hoon, the emergency response committee chairman of the People’s Power Party, showed signs of exhaustion on April 9th, the day before the general election and his birthday. Despite previously declaring, “I’ll die standing,” he ended up canceling all of his night additional election campaign schedules.
The Strange Behavior at the Rally
According to reports, Han Dong-hoon’s behavior during the final election rally was concerning enough that even reporters covering the event noticed something was off. His odd demeanor and actions prompted the journalists to comment that “Han Dong-hoon seems strange.”
Canceling the Night Schedule
The People’s Power Party ultimately decided to cancel Han’s night campaign schedule after the final rally. They informed the press, “We are canceling Chairman Han’s scheduled night additional events after the final rally.”This sudden cancellation underscored the visible exhaustion Han was displaying.
Importance of Self-Care During Campaigns
Intense political campaigns can take a significant toll on candidates, both physically and mentally. It’s crucial for those running to prioritize self-care and listen to their bodies to avoid burnout or compromising their health.Han’s decision to cancel shows an awareness of his limits, even if reluctantly.
The strange behavior noticed by reporters and the eventual schedule cancellation highlights the immense pressure candidates face during high-stakes elections. Moving forward, it serves as a reminder of the importance of maintaining well-being throughout grueling campaign cycles.
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